What competitive broadband speeds are offered by multiple providers in overlapping markets? How many households and businesses overlap? Where do they overlap?
How does Broadband Household deployment compare by Competitor and Community?
Rural vs. Urban | Congressional District | CBSAs, Towns, Cities & States |
Price Cap / ROR | American Tribal Areas | Blocks, CBGs, Census Tracts |
How has the Broadband picture changed since 2011? Every six month CensusNBM updates a new snapshot of broadband deployment and maintains all the details of earlier periods. Easily track improvements in broadband speed, technology and coverage.
How large and where are the Broadband speed or access gap deficits in Rural, Tribal Lands, State, Congressional District or Competitor areas?
Evaluate potential broadband properties that are being auctioned via the Connect America Fund.
Identify and size the market presence of your competition and assess their technology threat by knowing the broadband speeds they offer consumers and contract with businesses.
Quantify the business market size potential by firm and employee from census block to nationwide for every provider in any geography.
Who are the Provider types by Community? ILECs, Cable, Mobile, CLEC, Utility or Municipalities