FCC 477 Data (since December 2014)
Broadband Company Name Identification
Fundamental to the CensusNBM system is the ability to properly identify each Broadband company with its associated Broadband technologies and bandwidth speeds. The FCC provides three different company names for each entity (DBA, Provider and Holding Company Name). In addition to these three, the CensusNBM experts have developed a Uniform Corporate Name which is a consistent Corporate Name across and within states. CensusNBM also provides the Local Exchange Company Study Area Names associated with USF support and other regulatory filings.
CensusNBM experts have carefully screened all of the filing entities to create its powerful Sorted Company Category that identifies and separates ILECs from CLECs, Cable MSO, WISP (terrestrial fixed wireless) and satellite companies and Municipality and Utility companies.
CensusNBM Enhanced Company Identifiers
Study Area - A designated area where an ILEC is providing local exchange service. Each area has a 6 digit SAC code for companies eligible for USF support.
Uniform Corporate Name - In order to be able to filter corporate entities by a single name such as AT&T, Comcast, or CenturyLink we have scrubbed the FCC names and provide assured consistency in this powerful policy and competitive tool.
Sorted Company Category - Researchers and Analysts want to be sure what kind of carrier they are investigating. The Sorted Company Category ensures the correct type of provider and simplifies analysis: ILEC, CLEC, Cable MSO, WISP(terrestrial wireless), Satellite, or Municipal/Utility.
FCC Entities:
Holding Company - Name of holding company or commonly owned or controlled entities.
FRN - Provider FCC registration number.
Provider Name - The business entity name associated with the FRN.
DBA - The Doing Business Name of the entity. Customers can contact this entity to purchase services.